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What if we stopped reacting to every little distraction that others throw at us?
What if we tended to our own garden? What if we made a plan for our day, week, year, life and step-by-step walked in the direction of our goals or plans?
What if we took those steps empowered by love instead of fear, anger, retaliation, obligation, worry, doubt, or hatred? Do you think we would reduce our stress and inter-personal conflicts? Live your life. But live it empowered by love. Then the distractions of everything around you won’t rile you up and get you frazzled.
Try it for the next 30 minutes! Just 30 minutes. No fear. No worries. No anger. Just motivated by love. With a sense of well-being. With the belief that it is more important to walk in love than to worry about the results. Just 30 minutes. Then another 30 minutes. I can do that, right? So can you! Let’s get started right now! After all, maybe the Beatles had it right! “All we need is love.” But I think a book a little older than the Beatles may have said it first . . .
To find out HOW to do this more often in your life, come to the RETREAT that I am hosting!! Four days away from all the hustle and bustle where you can relax, renew, and revive! Learn how to do all things empowered by love. You don’t want to miss this!!
Allow Your Success Now,
Many of us struggle to maintain peace in our lives. We try prayer, meditation, walks in the woods, watching sunrises, watching sunsets, and other peaceful activities.
One of the most effective ways that I have used is The Healing Code as found in the book, The Healing Code by Drs. Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson. The healing code helps us get to the root of the issue rather than just the symptoms of the issue. Once the root is healed and resolved, the symptoms often go away.
In addition to the healing code, Dr. Alex Loyd hosts a free conference call (The Cutting Edge) every Wednesday at 1:00 PM Central time. During this call, Dr. Alex Loyd shares an uplifting message as well as the opportunity for a free custom code. I dialed in several times and it helped me.
(425) 440-5100 or (757) 355-5320
Access Code is: 060310#
Put this number in your contacts list (with the access code) and dial it today!
Allow Your Success Now,
I am with you
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.” Isaiah
How do God, deep waters, and the Law of Attraction all fit together?
When I face challenges I have two choices. I can hope that a negative outcome doesn’t happen or I can picture a good/successful outcome. Whatever I picture is usually what will happen.
Our minds go to work to accomplish whatever we are picturing. If I tell you not to think about pink monkeys eating the fabric of the seats in your car, you automatically picture pink monkeys noshing on your car seats! We think in pictures. It is not possible to think in “not” pictures. They don’t exist.
The Law of Attraction responds to what we are thinking. It responds even faster to what we are thinking with emotion. If I am thinking of not failing or playing not to lose, I am almost assuring myself of failure or losing. Thoughts of failure are fear based. Some have said that the intensity of the fear of loss is about 5 times the intensity of the anticipation of gain. So now the thought of failure is combined with the emotion of fear. This is the recipe for disaster.
Instead, picture winning or succeeding at whatever you set my mind on. While the emotion may not be as strong, anticipation and hope are higher emotions than fear. The higher emotions tend to be enabling or expanding. What I mean is when we are experiencing the higher emotions of love, joy, peace, anticipation, or hope, we are connecting with other people, circumstances, and events that are bringing those same emotions (or even higher). So if I expect to succeed at something I am more likely to achieve that success. And so are YOU! This is why you see athletes mentally rehearse their routines or events prior to actually doing them. They are feeling every movement, seeing every action, and experiencing the performance even before they actually perform it live.
So where does God fit in? When I picture God being with me as I go through deep waters, I see myself making it through the waters just fine. That gives me expectation and hope that all will be well. In fact, I believe that things will be even better than I could have imagined.
Keep reaching for “the things that are above.” All is well.
Allow Your Success Now,
Today I looked at my Facebook page and saw that I had 2929 followers. I believe in angels and I believe we are surrounded by them and supported by them as we pursue our life purposes. So I “googled” 2929 and found this entry on the Sacred Scribes website for Angel Number 29:
Number 29 is made up of the vibrations of the number 2 and number 9. Number 2 brings its attributes of duality, faith and trust, selflessness and service to others, encouragement and diplomacy, personal will and devotion, balance and harmony and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws and Karma, humanitarianism and philanthropy, lightworking, spiritual enlightenment and spiritual awakening, setting a positive example for others, knowledge and inner-wisdom. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions. These energies make the number 29 one of polarity, emotions and judgement, coupled with leadership, integrity and unity.
Angel Number 29 is a message from your angels that you are to have faith in yourself and your angels as they are encouraging and supporting you in your spiritual endeavours. Trust that you have all the skills and abilities required to fulfill your Divine soul mission and life purpose so be prepared to serve others with humility and heart.
Angel Number 29 is a message to have faith and trust in your intuitive messages and impressions as these messages and promptings are urging you towards and along your Divine life path and soul mission. Take positive action in the direction of your intuitive and angelic guidance, and look to ways of achieving small goals on a daily basis to reach your spiritual potential.
Angel Number 29 is a message that you are to take positive action in the direction of your Divine life path and purpose as your natural lightworking abilities are much needed by others and the world as a whole. Trust that you have all the tools and talents you need to fulfill your destiny and soul mission.
Angel Number 29 may also be indicating that if you are inclined to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, now is a most auspicious time to begin. It is time to accept and develop your spiritual gifts and use them to benefit yourself and others in a lightworking capacity.
Angel Number 29 also suggests that if you have ‘lost’ something of late, your angels are indicating that the Universe is manifesting something positive for you to take its’ place. This may also relate to a situation or circumstance that may be coming to an end. Trust that a wonderful new beginning and/or direction is indicated for you.”
I found this to be especially comforting as I go through the process of losing my father to Alzheimer’s disease. I know that he is not replaceable but I find comfort in knowing that someone or something will arrive to fill the gap that he is creating as he leaves.
I also find it comforting to know that I am on the right path pursuing a spiritually-based practice.
Where are you on your journey? Are you pursuing your life’s purpose?
If coaching is your life purpose and you desire initial training or additional training, I highly recommend Christy Whitman’s Quantum Success Coaching Academy. The next class begins in May so ENROLL TODAY! Click here for more information.
Allow Your Success Now,
Join us on April 17, 18, and 19 for a weekend get-away with other Law of Attraction practitioners!
Nestled next to the lower Illinois River, Marval Family Resort and Campground is the ideal place to get together. We will be encouraging each other using the Law of Attraction and other spiritual laws to design the lives we intend to live.
Learn how to use the Law of Attraction in a way that brings healing to your past and present and opens you to the future you have always wanted.
Register today at:
Allow Your Success Now,
Limiting beliefs play a huge role is what we accomplish in our lives. If you see the same pattern over and over it is because you have some kind of program playing out in your subconscious. There are many ways to correct the program. One way is to use technique found in the Healing Code, by Dr. Alex Loyd. If you’d like to know more about the healing codes, click here to visit their website.
Allow Your Success Now,
Have you ever wanted to talk with others who are interested in the Law of Attraction?
Are you looking for mutual support in a judgement-free, loving, safe environment?
Would you like to find out more about how to use the Law of Attraction in your life?
Where does the Law of Attraction and your Christian faith intersect?
Is it ok for Christians to use the Law of Attraction?
These are just a few of the things we discuss on a weekly basis in our live Law of Attraction Meetup Group.
To expand our reach and include our friends around the globe, I am adding a dial-in meetup on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
If you would like to be a part of this community or just want to check us out, then join us on the call tonight:
Date: March 25, 2015
Time: 8:00 PM Central Time
Phone number: (712) 775-7035
Access Code: 171642
I look forward to seeing you on the call!
Allow Your Success Now,
The Law of Attraction responds to our thoughts and feelings. When we focus on something – whether we desire it to happen or hope it does not happen – the vibration of the “it” is transmitted and the “for” or “against” is filtered out. This is why it is a good idea to focus on what you want and not to focus on what you do not want.
I like this verse because first it encourages us to be strong and courageous. Then it says not to fear. If we start focusing on having no fear, we become fearful. Instead, focus on strength and courage and that’s what will shop up.
Be strong and courageous – God is going before you arranging things for your good!
Allow Your Success Now,
With these four simple phrases (a total of 10 words) a doctor in Hawaii emptied a criminally insane ward. These same phrases and words have been used to instantly improve relationships, heal medical conditions, bring peace, and relieve feelings of guilt.
What are these 10 words? What are the phrases? They are: “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Who was the doctor? He is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. What is this technique called? “Ho’oponopono.”
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice used to restore right relationships between those who have been wronged and the offender who committed the act. Dr. Len modified it as a healing tool for whatever he saw in others which irritated or annoyed him. As he prayed this for each inmate who was in his ward, the inmates began to change. Eventually, some were released, some were reassigned to general population, and some had their medications reduced or eliminated. As Dr. Len addressed whatever aspect of the inmate that was within Dr. Len, not only was Dr. Len healed of that aspect, so was the inmate. This is how he emptied the ward! You can read more about this in Dr. Joe Vitale’s book, Zero Limits.
Often I am irritated by others because I see something in them that bothers me. The unspoken truth is I see it so clearly in them because I have it in me. This is why Jesus told us to take care of the plank (or board) in our own eye before we get upset about the speck in our neighbor’s eye. Could it be the neighbor has a speck so I can address the plank in my eye? Could it be the speck in my neighbor’s eye is just a reflection of the plank in my own eye? Either way. when Dr. Len used ho’oponopono he used it to take care of what was in himself. As he did so, the person who also had the same issue was healed of the issue.
Using ho’oponopono when I am irritated by others’ actions is a practice of taking total responsibility for what is going on around me. The Law of Attraction says that I am attracting to me people, situations, and circumstances that respond or resonate with the predominate emotion or feeling I am sending out. As an example, if I am surrounded by aggressive, hostile, or angry people there is a good chance that I am sending out aggression, hostility, and anger because I feel aggressive, hostile and angry. To apply ho’oponopono I would pray to God -” I love you. I am sorry (for acting aggressively, hostile, and angry). Please forgive me (for whatever my involvement is in leading to the hostility, anger, and aggression in those around me). Thank you (for your forgiveness and for healing the anger, hostility, and aggression within me).” I would repeat the four phrases as many times as it takes until I feel a shift or change in me.
There are many other ways to use ho’oponopono as well. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. As I clean up or receive healing for my inner world the outer world around me will change. My job is not to clean up the world around me. My job is to clean up my inner world, the world where Jesus said “the kingdom of God is within you.” As I address inside of me those areas where I am falling short I am removing from the world a little bit of those “falling short” areas. As I do that I enable my light to shine brighter and allow others to shine their lights as well. I no longer am contributing to someone else’s shortcomings because I have addressed my own.
Try this the next time you are annoyed at someone for something. Then tell me what happened in the comments section below.
If you would like more information about this, or coaching assistance in using this, please leave a comment below.
Allow Your Success Now,
This weekend during the Appreciation Workshop I was leading, I shared that we create the environment around us by what we send out. If we send out love, we receive more love. If we send out kindness, we receive more kindness. If we send out gratitude and appreciation, we see/receive more to be thankful for. This is the The Law Of Attraction at work. And, it is just like Facebook. Facebook shows us more of what we “like” and less of what we ignore. If you want to see less of the “noise” out there, don’t comment on those posts. You will stop seeing them in your newsfeed after a while. If you want to see more uplifting posts; comment, like, and share posts that are uplifting and encouraging. Then watch what happens to your newsfeed. Remember, the Law of Attraction is always working. It is up to you to decide WHAT you want to attract. What you give attention to, you get more of.
Allow Your Success Now,